MSED Professional Development REINVENTED
Featuring Paul Artale with
"The Two Year Old's Guide to Work-Life Balance"
23839 John R. Rd. #2
Hazel Park, MI.
Monday, October 1, 2018
8:00 am - 11:30 am
Oh, to be a kid again! How many times have you thought that to yourself? Now, think of it with purpose as you learn the key to work-life balance through a child’s eyes!
Join MSED for an unexpected professional development workshop featuring Paul Artale and his new book “The Two Year Old’s Guide to Work-Life Balance”. We’ve reinvented professional development as you know it! Your morning begins with a light breakfast from Chef Rebecca LaMalfa’s frame kitchen. Then dive into the meat of the event as Paul Artale coaches you through a workshop on work-life balance. Enjoy meeting Paul and getting a hot-off-the-presses copy of his new book! And, finally, enjoy a demonstration and some mouth-watering samples from Detroit’s own Guilt Chocolates.
It's a morning you don't want to miss!
*Limited seating available.
Sponsor Opportunities:
Promote your company and let it SHINE!
Guilt Chocolates Sponsor: $500 includes logo on website/social media plus 2 workshop participants
Breakfast Sponsor: $1500 includes logo on website/social media plus 4 workshop participants
Sponsors may also bring up to 1 pop-up banner and give-away promotional items/print outs to event.
8:00 am: Registration
8:30 am: Breakfast prepared by Chef Rebecca LaMalfa
9:00 am: Paul Artale Work-Life Balance Workshop
11:00 am: Guilt Chocolates Demo & Tasting, along with Paul Artale Book Signing
11:30 am: Wrap up
About the Speaker:

Paul Artale is a work-life and motivational speaker based out of Swartz Creek, Michigan.
As a keynote presenter, he speaks for organizations that want to light a fire in people on how to perform at their peak and create a healthy balance between work and home. As a career coach, Paul works one on one with people who want to discover what makes them tick and live a life worth living.
In fact, he wrote the book, The Two-Year Old’s Guide to Work-Life Balance. Presentation attendees share that they are more focused on what matters, inspired to reach for more, and implement ideas that are practical and immediately accessible.
On a personal note, Paul played defensive end for the University of Toronto and off the platform coaches include his wife Sherri, son Alessio, and daughter Sofia.
For more information visit

Please join us for a light breakfast from Chef Rebecca LaMalfa's frame kitchen.
frame parking:
23839 John R Rd, Hazel Park, MI, 48030 (directly behind joebar). Click HERE for google maps directions. We're on the west side of John R, between Hamata Ave & Chestnut St.
Note: Please enter via joebar's main entrance, and let the host know you've arrived for frame.
About Parking:
You may legally park on Hamata Ave or Chestnut St. or behind joebar. We also have two cityparking lots: one just off of Chestnut St, west of the alley behind Gold Medal Sports/Mabel Gray and second a parking lot across John R, next to the dormant CVS building. The city of Hazel Park has kindly installed a crosswalk to get you to/from safely.
Alternatively, we have reserved spots for you at the lot attached at The Hopcroft Funeral Home. 23919 John R Rd.

MSED Event Cancellation Policy: Cancellations will be accepted until 5pm on Monday, September 24th. Cancellations received by this date will be refunded less a 10% administrative fee, with a minimum charge of $5. Refunds cannot be issued for cancellations received after this date; however, substitutions for another person to attend in your place are gladly accepted.